Male Infertility Treatment


There is a big misconception regarding male infertility is that it’s solely related to female reproductive issues. In reality, male infertility contributes significantly to difficulties in conception, with factors like low sperm count and quality playing a crucial role.
Male Infertility refers to a man’s inability to impregnate his partner despite regular unprotected intercourse. Common causes include low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or abnormalities in sperm shape.
Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and stress, can contribute to fertility issues. Medical conditions like hormonal imbalances, infections, or structural problems may also play a role. Seeking timely advice from the best sexologist, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and addressing underlying issues can improve male fertility, enhancing the chances of conception.
Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity may indicate underlying issues affecting fertility.
Premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation can impact the ability to conceive.
Persistent pain, swelling, or the presence of lumps in the testicular area may signal problems such as infections, varicoceles, or testicular torsion, impacting fertility.
A noticeable decrease in sexual desire or libido may be linked to hormonal imbalances affecting fertility.
Some immune system disorders associated with male infertility may manifest as recurrent respiratory infections
Imbalances in hormones, such as testosterone, may lead to symptoms like reduced facial or body hair, fatigue, or changes in mood.

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    +91 98030 20703

    Opening Hours

    Monday – Saturday
    09:00 am – 1:00 pm
    04:00 pm – 8:00 pm